Steve underwent a kidney transplant on Dec 26 in SF and he wants everyone to know, he is resting comfortably and is on the long road to recovery. He thanks everyone for their continued prayers and support during this journey. We hope to get SR back swinging the golf clubs by the spring time.
Never give up hope!
Kidney Buddy wants to recognize Stephanie Beck for all her hard work and perseverance in getting Steve's story our to the masses. Steve recently celebrated his 3 month kidneyversary and we wanted to share some updates from his family.
The Beck Family is Celebrating Steve’s 3 month’s Kidneyversary January 11, 2023!
Steve is doing just great! He feels fantastic, has renewed energy and his appetite is back! Steve will be returning to Mayo Phoenix in February for his 4 month’s post op visit. We continue to be forever grateful to our Living Donor Michelle, her husband Mike and their family for giving Steve the Gift of Life! Please continue to pray for Steve and Michelle’s continued recovery. If you have any questions about Organ Donation please let me know – you could save a life too!
The Byers family is happy that Steve has a new kidney and they are on the road to recovery. The journey is not over once you have your transplant as that is when the new normal begins. Kidney Buddy continues to be a resource to this sweet family.
This is Vernon Tounsel and his wife Traci. And this week, they have something to celebrate! Vernon is now a transplant recipient and on the road to recovery.
What is amazing right now, even though he is in the hospital and his wife can’t be with him due to COVID, Vernon wanted to thank people that helped him. He posted on Facebook that he could not have done this without the love of his wife, his family, his pastor, his co-workers, the medical professionals and fraternity brothers which are all like family. But then he keeps thanking those that helped him and the list is long as he did not want to leave anyone out. Vernon's comments make you realize that people that love you become family. They do not have to be in the same city, have the same DNA, but the ones that listen, care, help, love and support you when you don’t have the energy to go on.
A message from Vernon:
"I couldn’t have done this by myself and would like to thank Deb Cunningham, Ken Cunningham, Rebecca Hall and the rest of the Kidney Buddy team for providing me with information that I knew nothing about. Information that turned out to be some of the most resourceful and help lead me to where I am today"!
Vernon and Traci Tounsel
You just never know who is going to be a buddy. People come into your life for a reason and Frank's buddy is just that person.
From Frank's wife Helene:
"Brunna Martins is a NICU nurse at Broward Health where I work and their paths never crossed until 10 days prior to the surgery. And now they feel like they have known her all our lives. This is all so overwhelming for all of us, she is a true beautiful angel! We love you Brunna we are truly blessed to have you in our lives!
From Helene Molino:
"I love all of you, thanks again. I don't know what I would have done without the support from Kidney Buddy".
Chuck Bernabi is now a Transplant Warrior and has a Buddy for Life. Chuck is recovering nicely and the family can breathe a sign of relief.
The transplant journey is long and hard. You experience highs and lows, days you have no energy and those that you feel pretty good. With his family by his side, Chuck is on the other side of the journey and in recovery mode. He is a warrior and the scar he has is just a battle wound that shows he won the kidney disease fight. Each scar or imperfection we get in life, just tells a story ~ one of courage, strength, life and hope.
Chuck is a strong supporter and advocate for living donor transplants!
From Sue Bernabi:
"This group is amazing. While I believe in God's timing, I also believe that the exposure and help that a person in need of a kidney gets from Kidney Buddy is phenomenal".
This is Ricardo Penaranda and he is now a kidney recipient.
The Penaranda family is so grateful that Ricardo will be able to watch his grandchildren grow up. The donor's family will forever be in their hearts for their selfless act. Ricardo is currently learning to take care of this life changing gift and appreciates all the support he received during his transplant journey.
This loving husband, father, grandfather is enjoying a healthy lifestyle with the help of his new kidney. Best wishes on his kidney journey.
Beth's husband Jimi vowed to save her life and he did! Jimi is not a match for Beth but because he was registered in the Paired Exchange Program, a match was found for Beth and Jimi will be donating his kidney to someone later. The Paired Exchange program decreases the wait time for finding a living donor. Beth received her kidney from a stranger and Jimi will be donating his kidney to a stranger when a match is found. There are heroes among us that do amazing things and Beth is so grateful to her Kidney Buddy. They may never meet but her life has been changed forever by someone who was willing to give a part of herself.
To learn more about the Paired Exchange program go do
Denise is so grateful to her donor family because during their time of grief, the family provided the greatest gift. Getting the call that a donor is found brings a roller coaster of emotions. It is the call you have been waiting for and you are elated, nervous, scared, uneasy, grateful, and filled with a hope for a new healthy life. Dialysis had taken a toll on Denise, and she was having more bad days than good. She is now on the road to recovery but will always have a place in her heart for the donor family.
Register to be an organ donor today!
This love story has a happy ending as her new husband was her perfect match in life and in health. Alyssa and Joven are both doing well since her transplant surgery. We will keep you posted on this fairy tale love story.
Alyssa Nikki Alvarez and Joven Alvarez on their wedding day. Alyssa is just getting started on her beautiful life with her new husband. Her smile is as bright as the California sun where they live. She loves to travel and she needs the chance to see the world with her soulmate.
Joanna is doing well after surgery. She found her Kidney Buddy and buddy for life in Stacey. Both are home after surgery, and they are living proof that miracles happen every day. Both had a fabulous support system and had amazing healthcare at IU Health. They call it a journey for a reason as there are ups and downs, but the reward of giving someone a second chance at life, is life changing for both.
Joanna and her buddy for life - Stacey!
Through the paired donor program, Arthur has received his kidney transplant. He is recouping in Texas where they did his transplant. Wishing his donor and Arthur and his family a speedy recovery.
Robert's new found health is allowing him to live life to the fullest with these cute grandbabies. Wishing the whole family a healthy year ahead!
Darryl R. Miller is living life to the fullest thanks to his kidney transplant. Forever grateful.
Neal Wiseman is feeling grateful as a tragedy in the lives of family friends was a gift to Neal. His friends designated their loved one's kidney to Neal after a sudden passing. It happened at Jackson Memorial in Miami where Neal was registered and it was a match. He understands that the selfless act of his friends is a gift he will cherish always.
Those of us a Kidney Buddy have both families in our hearts as this was such a gift in a time of sadness.
Those of us at Kidney Buddy were devastated to learn of the news. Lance, you are missed by so many.